Personal Counselling
CBU’s Personal Counsellors are Clinical Social Workers who work with our students to deal with a variety of issues including anger, parenting, grief, depression and anxiety, relationship issues, family conflict, time management, stress, financial concerns and couples counseling.
This free and confidential service is available by contacting the Nancy Dingwall Health and Counselling Services Collaborative Care Centre. To book an appointment, contact Nancy Dingwall Health and Counselling Centre by calling 902-563-1359 or email healthservices@cbu.ca.
Nancy Dingwall Health and Counselling Centre
The Campus Health Service is located in the Nancy Dingwall Health and Counselling Centre in the Canada Games Complex. A nurse and physician are on staff. Confidential health services are provided to registered students, staff and faculty. It is preferred that those wishing to see the physician make appointments. Health services offered include blood pressure clinics, health promotion screening, provision of educational materials (about STI’s, birth control, smoking cessation and nutrition), nursing assessments and physiotherapy.
To make an inquiry or appointment: Call 902-563-1359 or email healthservices@cbu.ca
Services Offered:
Assessment of Health Concerns
Health Counselling and Education
Medicals (Subject to fee)
Sexual Health Education
Birth Control Information
HIV Education
STI Education
Pregnancy Testing
Free condoms available
Injections (B12, immunizations, Depo Provera, allergy)
First Aid
Suture Removal
Dressing and Wound Care
Blood Pressure and Glucose monitoring
Diagnosis, treatment and follow up for medical conditions
Nutrition Information
CBU Human Rights Officer
Scott Thomas
p: 902-563-2450
e: Scott_thomas@cbu.ca
Scott’s role is to provide the campus community with programs relating to diversity, inclusion, consent, bystander intervention, sexual assault, harassment, human rights and more. Scott also assists the University in exploring and developing programs around intercultural competency as our campus community continues to expand and diversify.
Scott is also the person to reach out to is you have experienced bullying, harassment or assault in the CBU community.
Respectful Campus Policy
Cape Breton University is committed to the human dignity of individuals and groups of individuals. The University is committed to a campus free of:
· discrimination
· harassment, and
· bullying
Cape Breton University is dedicated to the highest standards of human equality and academic freedom. The University actively endorses these standards at every level of the institution and in all aspects of student, faculty and staff life while individuals or groups are acting in a capacity defined by their relationship with the University.
For more information : Respectful Campus Policy
Sexual Violence Response & Support
Cape Breton University is committed to creating an environment that is free from sexual violence (actual or threatened), abuse, aggression and harassment for our faculty, staff, students and visitors.
The Cape Breton University Sexual Violence Policy & Guidelines are intended to outline commitments to raise awareness and educate on sexual violence, to prevent sexual violence, to reduce the risk of sexual violence incidents, to promote a consent culture and to respond to the needs in our community for support and empowerment.
This policy confirms Cape Breton University’s position on sexual violence and the guidelines to be followed in the case of disclosure or complaint from any student, for any incident occurring on or off-campus by a member of the University community.
For more information: Sexual Violence Response & Support