What are OERs?
The fastest and least expensive way for post-secondary institutions to reduce students’ financial barriers is to increase the usage of no- and low-cost course materials, including open educational resources (OERs). OERs are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation, and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. OERs are not limited to textbooks and can take the form of workbooks, online teaching modules, articles, informational videos, and so on. The use of OERs can greatly reduce the financial stresses of students.
The CBU Students’ Union is excited to launch a new platform promoting Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) courses. This is a continually updated list of courses we are aware of that currently use an open textbook (a textbook available at zero cost to students).
Students should have a right to know whether or not courses will incur them additional expenses before they register.
Further questions, concerns, or learn more about OERs Advocacy at CBU Students’ Union, please contact: Executive Vice President at su_evp@cbu.ca
The high price of textbooks is hurting students!
Textbook costs have increased 88% in the past decade.
Textbook costs cause
financial hardship for students.
57% of students report not buying a required textbook at least once.
So… what can you do about it?
Reach Out
Let us know what having OERs available would mean to you!
Spread the Word
Spread the word to help us make people aware of open textbooks!
Be Vocal
Talk with your professors about the possibility of adopting OERs.
CBU Courses with Books Held in the Library
Do you require a book only for an assignment or two throughout the semester? Instead of purchasing, you may be able to borrow a copy from the CBU library. Check out the list below to see if a book is available to borrow.
List last updated: September 9, 2022
Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Courses at CBU
Last updated: November 25, 2022
ACCT-5201: Financial Accounting (Karen Rowe)
BIOL-2203:2: Human Anatomy (Sean Modesto)
BIOL-2504: Environmental Issues
CHEM-2201: Chemical Thermodynamics
CHEM-2203: Chemical Equilibrium & Kinetics
CHEM-2401: Industrial Chemistry (Adango Miadonye)
CHEM-3201: Mathematics for Chemistry
EDUC-4108: Leveraging Technology for Learning
EDUC-5103: Integration of Infrastructure Design and Educational Technology
EDUC-5105: Distributed Learning Design
EDUC-5106: Technology Planning for Educational Environments
EDUC-5107: Data Informed Education
EDUC-5108: Educational Technology for the Practicing Teacher
ENGL-1109: Reading and Writing
GEOL-1105: Introduction to Geology (Jason Loxton)
GEOL-1205: Evolv. Earth: Our Planet (Jason Loxton)
GEOL-2101: Engineering Geology (Jason Loxton)
GEOL-3101: Hydrogeology
GEOL-3103: Petroleum Geology (Jason Loxton)
MGMT-2601: Business Communication (Jennifer Currie)
MGSC-3101: Management Information Systems (Patricia Morrison)
MGSC-5101: Management Information Systems (Patricia Morrison)
MATH-2113: Mathematics for Chemistry
MICR-2101: Introductory Microbiology
MICR-3101: Environmental Microbiology
PHIL-2208: Philosophy, Ethics & Sports
PHYS-1101: Elements of Physics I (Geoffrey Lee-Dadswell)
PHYS-1104: General Physics I (Geoffrey Lee-Dadswell)
PHYS-1201: Elements of Physics II (Geoffrey Lee-Dadswell)
PHYS-1204: General Physics II (Geoffrey Lee-Dadswell)
PHYS-2104: Energy, Society, Environment (Geoffrey Lee-Dadswell)
PUBH-1101: Cellular Processes and Environmental Effects
PUBH-1103: Environmental Issues in Public Health
PUBH-4104: Food Borne Diseases
PUBH-4104 L: Food Borne Diseases
PUBH-4108: Bio Contaminants in Indoor Environments
PUBH-4108 L: Bio Contaminants in Indoor Environments
PUBH-5107 L: Healthcare Quality and Project Management
PSYC-1103: Intro to PSYC: A Human Sci. (Éric Thériault)
PSYC-2603: Adolescent & Adult Development (Éric Thériault)
SPAL-2208: Philosophy Ethics & Sports