Elections happen annually in January/ February. By-election for vacant seats occur in the early Fall. This is where students select their major representatives for the following school year. These positions include:
Students’ Union President and Executive Vice-President;
The best fit for these positions are students who are passionate about their education and their CBU community. These positions offer a chance to offer real change that positively effects the student body.
Running for the election is not an easy decision to make. However, the experience gained from participating in an election campaign, and if victorious, developing and executing a policy agenda can be invaluable. We want to support you through this process – check out the sections below for more info.
Position Descriptions (According to AP&P)
General Summary
The role of the President is to provide leadership to the Union and help carry out the goals of the organization. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the organization.
Reporting Relationships
The President reports to the Students’ Representative Council and the Executive Committee of the Students’ Union.
Specific Responsibilities
1. The President is the elected Chief Executive Officer of the Students' Union and shall be responsible to the SRC for overseeing the efficient and proper administration and operation of the Students' Union.
2. The President is responsible for supervising the proper handling of the day-to-day governing of the Students' Union.
3. The President shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Cape Breton University Students’ Union Act and the By-laws of the Students' Union.
4. The President shall be responsible for amendments to the AP&P. All changes to policies must be passed through the SRC.
5. The President shall be responsible for representing the Students' Union at all official functions of both the Students' Union and Cape Breton University.
6. The President shall retain a seat on the Board of Governors of Cape Breton University and shall also have a seat on the Executive of the Board of Governors of Cape Breton University. The President shall retain a seat on the Senate as well as the Executive Committee of Senate.
7. The President shall represent the Union on Cape Breton University and Students' Union Committees that require their presence.
8. The President shall serve as the primary liaison between the Students' Union and other external organizations such as the Province of Nova Scotia, and all other media organizations. At the discretion of the President, they may delegate representation to another Executive.
9. The President shall act as the primary liaison between the Students' Union and the faculty, administration, and staff of Cape Breton University.
10. The President shall be the overall spokesperson for the Students' Union and oversee all staff.
11. The President shall maintain an ongoing file of all minutes and supporting documents of meetings of the SRC and the Executive Committee.
12. The President will be, along with another member of the Executive, a Board Member of any external lobbying organization affiliated with the CBU Students’ Union.
13. The President shall assume the responsibilities of the members of the Executive Committee should for any reason a member be unable to perform their respective duties until a new Executive member is appointed.
14. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and departments of the Students' Union and SRC, except for the Students’ Union Budget Committee and hiring committees.
15. The President is responsible for all Students' Union appointments to CBU Committees.
16. The President shall perform other such duties as directed by the SRC
17. The President will submit a written monthly report to the Students’ Representative Council.
18. The President shall make available to each SRC member, prior to the first regular meeting, access to a copy of Robert's Rules of Order, the CBU Students’ Union Act, and the Bylaws of the Students' Union.
19. The President shall submit a year-end report to the SRC at the final meeting of the SRC in April. This report will contain pertinent information to the incoming Executive and encompass recommendations for the next year
20. The President will be responsible to provide an in-depth, comprehensive transition to the President-Elect (successor), to ensure they are properly transitioned into their new role. The President will be paid an additional $250 (transition pay) for providing their successor a total of 15 hours of detailed training during the month of April. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in the deduction or loss of transition pay.
21. The President is expected to work 35 hours per week from May 1st to August 31st and 25 hours per week from September 1st to April 30th.
General Summary
The role of the Executive Vice President Academic (EVPA) is to ensure that students are being treated fairly in the University and develop programming to facilitate the needs of students.
Reporting Relationships
The EVPA reports to the Students’ Representative Council, President, and the Executive Committee.
Specific Responsibilities
1. The EVPA shall work under the direction of the President.
2. The EVPA shall be the President’s alternate in the event the President is unable to carry out any, or all, of their functions.
3. The EVPA may assume the powers of the President during the President’s temporary absence from office upon the written authority of the President.
4. The elected EVPA shall become the acting President upon the President leaving office before completion of the Presidents full term, subject to the following:
a.) In the event that the President leaves office after January 1 of the academic year, the EVPA shall assume full presidential powers as listed in these By-laws until which time the SRC ratifies the appointment. The Executive Committee shall nominate a successor to the position of EVPA who shall be ratified by the SRC. Should the SRC choose not to appoint the EVPA to President then a by-election shall be held to fill the position of President. The SRC, in issues with time constraints, may defeat the motion of a by-election and nominate a member of SRC for President.
b.) In the event the President leaves office on or before January 1 of the academic year, the Chairperson of the SRC shall call a special election as soon as possible. The EVPA shall assume all powers of the presidency until a special election is held and carried out by the Chief Returning Officer.
5. The EVPA shall retain a seat on the Senate and the Board of Governors of Cape Breton University.
6. The EVPA shall sit as a Students’ Union appointment on Senate committees as appointed by the President.
7. The EVPA shall be responsible to the President and Executive Committee on matters pertaining to the academic affairs of Cape Breton University.
8. The EVPA shall act as an advocate on behalf of the students in matters relating to academics, student appeals, and other issues that protect the rights of students.
9. The EVPA shall oversee and implement the academic aspects of the Frosh Week committee of the Students' Union. They shall ensure that first-year students are informed and familiarized with the academic process at Cape Breton University.
10. The EVPA shall be responsible for the supervision of any academic support programs, and other departments of the Students’ Union as assigned by the President, including all centre coordinators.
11. The EVPA shall be responsible for appointing student representatives to the university senate, and all ad hoc committees of the Senate.
12. The EVPA will be responsible for organizing one academic event per month for students
13. The EVPA shall perform other such duties as directed by the President, the Executive Committee, and the SRC.
14. The EVPA will submit a written monthly report to the Students’ Representative Council.
15. The EVPA will be responsible to provide an in-depth, comprehensive transition to the Executive Vice President Academic Elect (successor), to ensure they are properly transitioned into their new role. The EVPA will be paid an additional $250 (transition pay) for providing their successor with 15 hours of detailed training during the month of April. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in a deduction or loss of transition pay.
16. The EVPA is expected to work 35 hours per week from May 1st to August 31st and 25 hours per week from September 1st to April 30th
The Students’ Representative Council is the Board of Directors of the Students’ Union. While they do not oversee the day-to-day operations of the Union, the Executive Committee must report to the Board on the efficient running of the organization. The SRC is responsible for passing policies, budgets, and approving expenditures over $10,000. SRC members are representing the constituents for the position they hold and are responsible to keep those students informed on important matters that affect them. They are an official representative of the students. The SRC is composed of 23 representatives: It is your right as a member of the Union to contribute to all matters about the work of the Students’ Union.
Elected officials serve for a period of one academic year (May 1 – April 30)
What Do I Need to Do?
Just because campaigning starts in January/ February, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start thinking about elections now. Take some time and talk to some of the members of the organization you’re interested in. Ask them questions about their position to get a feel for what you can expect should you be elected. Find out what the responsibilities of the position are.
Below are the nomination packages for the elections. They can give you a good idea of what you can expect from the election process and what will be expected during the campaign process. Also, these packages offer full descriptions of the positions that you will have the opportunity to run for.
We understand that talking to someone can be more beneficial. Our Chief Returning Officer (CRO) is available to talk about the elections process or what you’ll need to get started. Reach out to CRO at su_cro@cbu.ca